suSHi kINg....ragukah anda???

hello freshie!! eh...slh...good day to all..
today chekgu nk wat knowledge sharing la psl sushi....
chekgu taw korg suke mkn sushi kn...chekgu pon suke gak...hehe tp kn skrg neh cm da jd waswas ar nk mkn...sbb ader ura2 kate x halal...really?btol ker?ape kess?x cayer ker?

ape kate korg 'CHECK IT OUT' link neh..jeJOmm...

so the conclusion of the story...sushi king neh da jd was-was kn....jd elok la kte xyah mkn tros..sbb nyer..haih...nk watper la chekgu nk terangkn lg kn...korg neh lg pandai lg bijaksane rse cm xley la idop tanpe sushi.....I WILL DIE WITHOUT SUSHI.......AHA!! ape kater kte buat sushi sndri tyme weekend...activiti utk umah yg cerie lg bahgie neh....OK X???kte wat mcm2 sushi...hehe...sekian al-maklum lah saje....

P/S: eh sushi tuh bGos utk diet kn??


imandpilot ::Ainahuda:: said...

ni chekgu mana satu yang tulis ni??